Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fighting Continues Because of US

After reading this from the AP, that was the impression I came away with. As usual, all the blame lies with the United States.
Officials with knowledge of the document said the draft calls for a "full cessation" of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, but would allow Israel the right to launch strikes if attacked by Hezbollah.
How nice of them to allow Israel to defend themselves.
Since fighting began, the U.N. Security Council has failed to take any action to stop it, primarily because of opposition from the United States, Israel's closest ally.
The U.N. Security Council doesn't do much of anything to begin with, why start now? Anyone remember Rwanda? How about Darfur? The names and faces of the countless dead from around the world because the UN is a useless body, should haunt all of us.
Israel also says it wants to continue fighting for up to two weeks to seriously diminish Hezbollah's military capability.
Reality check: The violence will never end unless every terrorist organization in the world is destroyed. Added: Here's the Brits take on it.
A group of children who had been carrying makeshift coffins stopped outside Downing Street where they chanted slogans against Mr Blair and George W Bush before depositing the coffins at the cenotaph alongside pictures of casualties of the Israeli onslaught in Lebanon.
Many demonstrators also left children's shoes there to represent infants killed in the conflict, but others stopped outside Downing Street to throw them in the direction of the Prime Minister's residence.
Ever notice that the "anti-war" bunch uses children and become quite violent? Anti-war, maybe, but not anti-violent!