Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Letter about Teaching

This lovely lady tells it like it is: Education goes far beyond classroom
November 7 may seem a long time off to many, but it is not too soon to think about how you are going to vote on that day. It absolutely amazes me, as I talk with people, how many have no clue as to which candidates are running or what their views are or even which party they represent. As a retired teacher with 27 years' experience, I would like to appeal to the teachers in this area to not swallow all the political "information" they get from their WEAC Union leaders. I know of many teachers who are doing an excellent job of educating our youth, but having been in the classroom, I have seen and heard teachers who have no business teaching: and the powerful teachers union protects them. Getting the union out of the picture would give more opportunity to get rid of incompetent teachers. I would also address this note to parents: You are your child's first teacher. Do you take an interest in what he is learning? Do you encourage your child to always do his best? Do you see to it that his homework is finished and well done? Do you see to it that the TV is not the way most hours are spent? Do you insist that he get a decent night's sleep so that he is alert for school? I pray that all of us are awake and alert and get involved in this next election. The Iraqi people with their purple fingers surely put us to shame, didn't they?
Viola M. Sheppard Fond du Lac
Ole is of the "old school" and tells it like it is. We've had some great conversations about the state of our education in today's world, and she is not happy. You don't want anger Ole. :)