Saturday, August 26, 2006

Pro-Life (sorta) Moonbat Candidate

Jessica McBride has introduced us to Ron Kind's (D-3rd District) opponent, Chip DeNure:
Health care: DeNure said he favors the federal government stepping in for a "“single- payer health program,"” similar to what is available in Canada. "“Let'’s do something and do something quickly, because people are hurting on the health care issue,"” he said. Kind said he would prefer the federal government allow states to figure out a universal health plan. "“I think it'’s time the federal government ... get out of the way,"” Kind said.
Where to start! The gub'mint has already screwed our health care system, why give them the chance to do more damage? It's time to overhaul the whole thing, and bureaucracyuracracy out of the picture. Let doctors do their job!
9/11: DeNure quickly turned discussion of Sept. 11, 2001, to a government conspiracy theory. He cited omissions and discrepancies from the 9/11 Commission report, and claimed "at least six"” hijackers survived. "“I am all for reopening the investigation of this great tragedy,"” he said. Kind said he doesn'’t believe President Bush "“had any hand in the attacks."”
If those six "survived", why didn't anyone else? Those people on the planes were pretty much vaporized, how stupid can this guy be?
Abortion: Kind said he has long supported choice, while DeNure said he opposes abortion unless the woman was raped or her life is in danger.
Obviously, I'm against Kind on this one, but I'm also hesitant to agree with DeNure since he doesn't mention adoption, which is a viable alternative to killing the innocent result of a violent act. Jessica has a lot more on the guy, with links. Check it out.