Thursday, August 17, 2006

Things that Make You Say....WTF????

"The agony of defeat" is going to be taking on a whole new meaning now that Israel back down from the terrorists, Hezbollah. The rest of the Arab world is now imboldened thanks to the UN's "forced cease fire". Syria to form its own Hizbullah
Baath party official: Lebanon war proves 'resistance' against Israel works On the heels of what it views as a Hizbullah victory against the Jewish state, Syria is forming its own Hizbullah-like guerilla organization to fight Israel in hopes of "liberating" the Golan Heights, an official from Syrian President Bashar Assad's Ba'ath party told WorldNetDaily yesterday.
Oh, isn't that just peachy! Just what the world needs, another state sponsored terrorist group, more or less sanctioned by the UN.
He said Syria's new guerilla force would be trained by Hizbullah leaders. "Syria is very serious about establishing this new guerilla force," the official said.
I've no doubt they're extremely serious.
Hizbullah claims its goal is to liberate the Shebaa Farms, a small, 200-square-kilometer bloc situated between Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The Farms is the last post held by Israel after its withdrawal in 2000 from positions it took along the Lebanese border.
The Arab countries don't have enough land, so they want to make sure they take a little patch back from Israel. Has anyone seen that map? You can barely find Israel on it, but there sure isn't any mistaking the Arab lands.
The ceasefire resolution accepted by Israel earlier this week calls for negotiations leading to Israel's relinquishing of the Shebaa Farms.
No wonder the Israeli citizens are majorly ticked at Olmert. Read the whole thing, you'll be shaking your head in disgust too. H/T: Yoni the Blogger (pardon the implied language... I, too, have my limits)