Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"Bargain Shopping"?

Citizens in Fond du Lac County have been trying to get the county board to reduce it's size, there by saving the taxpayers a few bucks. Every little bit helps, right? Not according to Vice Chair Judy Goldsmith:
"I, in good conscious, cannot recommend chan-ging the size of the board at this point," said County Board Vice Chair Judy Goldsmith at a Monday afternoon meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on County Board Size.
Coming from Judy Goldsmith, somehow, I'm just not surprised. Why reduce the size of any government entity?
Meanwhile, Citizens Promote Representation obtained 4,314 signatures on a petition to reduce the County Board from 36 to 18 members, reported Anita Anderegg, honorary co-chair of the group. It needed 3,313 signatures.
Doesn't this mean that the issue has to be put before the voters on a ballot? Admittedly, I'm dumb as a box of rocks, but that was my understanding of how things work.
"They (board members) keep being defensive instead of saying, 'Hey, let's take a look at ourselves and see what we can do,'" she said.
Of course they're defensive, half of them might lose their jobs if the voters decide to cut the size of the board. Concern for saving money has become the LAST option for most elected politicians, regardless of party affiliation. Personally, I'm getting sick of it!