Monday, July 24, 2006

Feingold and Health Care

Feingold introducing health care plan
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Russ Feingold said Monday that he will push legislation that would set up pilot projects to help states provide universal health coverage.
Does anyone remember Hillarycare? Just what is universal health coverage anyway? Are our tax dollars suppose to make sure Vulcans get their shots?
Under Feingold's bill, the federal government would set up a pilot program that would allow selected states to design their own health coverage plan. Feingold estimates the legislation would cost $32 billion over 10 years.
The federal government doesn't have any money! Why do they keep spending it like drunken sailors? It's OUR money they have so much fun with, not theIRS!
Feingold, a potential presidential candidate, said the health care plan is one of a series of domestic proposals he will introduce over the next six months.
I wish someone would introduce Sen. Feingold to reality!