Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kevin al Qaeda

Ok, that wasn't nice of me. Sue me. :) While we were on highway 290 heading towards Austin, Rush's show came on, with Mark Belling subbing. I think I like him doing Rush's show more than I do his own. But that's neither here nor there. Mark was talking about the UW Madison's very own nutjob. My granddaughter asked me, "Why do they let him teach at a big school if he's crazy?" I honestly had no answer for that question. Does anyone else? I got to thinking. I wonder if Johnny Walker Linhd had a teacher in school like this guy. How many Lindh's could Moonbat Kevin create with his warped sense of reality? The more I think about it, the more I truly believe this is not a matter of the First Amendment or academic freedom. This is a person who can easily warp a young person who might not have a firm grasp on the real world. No offense to young people who are able to think coherent thoughts, but you have to admit, there are some not so stable types walking among us who could easily be swayed by Barrett's arguments against the U.S. and POOF, we have another terrorist who wants to stick it to 'em. Is there any recourse for the taxpayers who will be paying this guy's salary? I do know that UW alumni can withhold any monetary support they were planning to give. My husband won't give then a dime, because of their "policies". [Just as well, this trip has been expensive. :) ] I know there are a lot of UW Madison graduates still in the area, so why not send them a letter of NON support. Maybe, if they received enough they might rethink having this person as a "teacher" in the fall.