Monday, July 03, 2006

L.A. Times & Immigration

Evidently, the L.A. Times will never "get it". In an editorial this morning, the writer is complaining that the Senate is compromising with the House.
Trouble is, the overtures are all going in the House's direction.
Yes? What's the problem? The Senate seems so far removed from the people they supposedly represent in each state, their version of the Immigration Bill is no where near what the people of this country are actually demanding. On the other hand, the House bill is more in step with what the majority are requiring. This sentence is particularly telling about the writer:
No word on who would pick our crops, work construction sites and clean our bathrooms in the meantime.
This clown is more worried about who's going to pick up his dirty drawers than the safety and well being of his country. The cost of his "maid" to the American taxpayer is a great deal more serious than his being able to have fresh fruit on his corn flakes.