Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A House Divided

In today's FdL Distorter (Reporter), there's a letter to the editor I felt compelled to share. War in Iraq belongs to Republican party
Recently Democrats in Connecticut experienced a very bitter primary race for the Senate seat of Sen. Joe Lieberman. The main point of contention was Lieberman's support for the war in Iraq. What bothers me is that Democrats should not be beating each other up over the Iraq war. It is not our war; it is a Republican war.
Since when does a war "belong" to one party or the other? Aren't we suppose to ALL be Americans, standing for the freedom's of America? Is it too much to ask our fellow Americans to stand up WITH their country whether or not they agree with the war? Evidently so.
The march to war was orchestrated by an inept Republican administration that lied to all of America about the need for such a war. In the vote authorizing this war in the Senate there were 23 votes against the war. Only one of those Nay votes was cast by a Republican. In the House of Representatives there were 133 Nay votes against the war. Only six of those Nay votes were cast by Republicans. Taken together, of the 156 votes cast against the war only seven of those votes were cast by Republicans.
Glad to know this person can add 1 and 6 and come up with 7. His education hasn't totally gone to waste. I wonder if he can subtract as well? 6 from 23...let's see... that's makes only 17 Dems in the Senate that voted against the war, out of 44. This means 27 voted FOR. In the House, 133 voted against authorization. Again, the gentleman's education comes into play. 133, take away 6... ummm... let's see, that's 127. Then, you subtract 127 from 205, you get 78. 78 Democrats in the House who voted FOR authorization.
Thus, this was a march to war orchestrated by an incompetent Republican administration, and authorized by a Republican majority in the House and the Senate.
This would be the same "incompetent" administration that has kept his ass safe for the last 5 years?
Here in Wisconsin, a majority of our Democratic legislators voted against the war, but every Republican legislator voted for the war, including our own representative, Tom Petri. If any party should be beating itself up over the blunder into the Iraq war, it should be Republicans, not Democrats.
A.G. Keberlein Fond du Lac
Perhaps the reason for this is that the Republicans, unlike a good chunk of Democrats are living in the POST 9/11 world?