Monday, August 14, 2006

This is Just Flat Out Wrong

If there is any doubt in anyone's mind that any government entity knows very well how to waste money, this should dispel those doubts. Luxury Spending Found in Legal Program
The federal program that provides legal help to poor Americans turns away half of its applicants for lack of resources. But that hasn't stopped its executives from lavishing expensive meals, chauffeur-driven cars and foreign trips on themselves.
Question: Is anyone accountable for anything these days? This money that they spend, treating themselves to nice meals and limo rides is MY money! YOUR money!
And board members wrote themselves a policy that doubled the amount they could claim for meals compared with their staff.
Feeding at the public trough evidently is pretty lucrative. Nice job if you can get it. The people who need to use such services will never have "Death by Chocolate", or ride in a limo, yet the board members feel they deserve such luxuries.
Legal Services officials defend their program, saying administrative expenses are kept separate from money distributed to the local, independently run legal outlets.
Doesn't it all come out of the same funds budgeted for the program? Hogwash! This attempt at CYA isn't going to fly.
The program's clients were upset when told of the spending.
"Upset"? I'm livid and I haven't had to use such services since my divorce back in '75.
The lobby of the inner city office looks like a doctor's waiting room that has used the same hardback chairs and magazine stand for decades. The carpet is worn and stained. Some offices are barely big enough for a desk. Unlike Legal Services headquarters' well-stocked library, filled with criminal code books and Supreme Court opinions, the local program library has mostly bare walls. The conference table doubles as a staff lunchroom. (...) The headquarters has multiple conference rooms and kitchen/pantry areas. Yet, the corporation's 11-member board of directors holds its meetings at hotels around the country, including Washington, at costs ranging from $20,145 to $55,125 - the latter in San Juan, P.R. (...) The board members sought "convenience to their rooms" and did not want to "feel confined" to headquarters for two entire days, he said. In addition, he said he was worried that the headquarters lacked privacy because "all meeting rooms at LSC have glass walls." Bills from the Melrose, with all costs per person, included: a $59 three-entree buffet, an $18 breakfast featuring scrambled eggs with chives, a $17 breakfast including Belgian waffles, a $28 deli buffet, a $13 "high tea" service, a $12 "bagel break," a $12 "Crazy for Cookies" assortment and $14 "Death By Chocolate" desserts.
Is your blood boiling yet? Mine is! H/T: Texas Fred's