Tuesday, August 15, 2006

One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days that just doesn't feel right? Nothing makes any sense, even though you try to untangle it all. I've had one of those days. I'm a news junkie, but I didn't even watch more than 30 total all day. Rehashing the same stuff over and over started getting on my nerves. I looked at the papers, and it was all the same as well. Yes, they've got terror suspect in custody in Great Britain, and for that, I'm grateful. If I knew any Brits, I'd buy 'em a pint or two, just on general principle. I'd have cider myself, but since I don't drink, I wouldn't finish it... makes me loopy...umm.. loopier. The left wingers are all aglee over the kidnapping of two journalists from Fox. Or, as they call it, Faux. Real nice people those left wing "grassroots" types. I've gotten over 100 spam emails trying to sell me everything a bigger penis to house refinancing. I don't need a bigger penis... I don't need one at all. I'm female! And I sure don't want to refinance the house... it's paid for. I don't need to see "hot pix of horny housewives" either. Doesn't do a thing for me. My brain isn't processing information that it normally would, and this is getting me grumpy. It's like being in la la land, but without the fun getting there. Yep, one of those days!