Thursday, August 24, 2006

This Bothers Me

FDA Approves Nonprescription Sale of Morning-After Pill
WASHINGTON — Women may buy the morning-after pill without a prescription — but only with proof they're 18 or older, federal health officials ruled Thursday, capping a contentious 3-year effort to ease access to the emergency contraceptive.
Being female, and a mother, I, in a round about way, sort of understand why this sort of pill would be desirable to the rest of the female population. No responsibility for actions. No guilt over the barbaric slaughter of the unborn. A pill, no fuss, no muss. (Sick!) However, it's that "proof of age" I'd like to point out.
Girls 17 and younger still will need a doctor's note to buy the pills, called Plan B, the Food and Drug Administration told manufacturer Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc.
There's no 17 year old who hasn't had an older sister or friend buy them beer? There are no unscupulous doctors? Paleeeeze! This is just a plain ol' bad idea!
The compromise decision is a partial victory for women's advocacy and medical groups that say eliminating sales restrictions could cut in half the nation's 3 million annual unplanned pregnancies.
I can tell ya real easy how to prevent an "unplanned pregnancies". DON'T DO IT! These people aren't advocating for women's rights. They're making excuses for bad behavior. Do they really think a pill is going to change the behavior for the better? I see many young women making a crucial mistake.