Tuesday, May 30, 2006

General McCaffrey's Academic Report

I received an email from my cop friend in Texas a couple of weeks ago with a .pdf attachment of Gen. McCaffrey's report. I forwarded it to everyone I didn't think would get ticked for me sending such a large file and heard this evening that it was linked to Jessica McBride's blog. (Yep, she was one of those I didn't think would get ticked. LOL) I was advised to link to the site that now has it posted, so, here it is: Academic Report-Trip to Iraq and Kuwait, April 13-20, 2006 Of course, we won't read/hear any of the good news on the MSM, that would be too positive, and we mustn't have anything positive reported about Iraq. HUMPH! grrrrrrrrrrr Thanks Jeremy, for reminding me! :)