Friday, July 21, 2006

Bush's Back Rub

I was happily reading email and news reports about important events happening in the world this morning. My husband comes in and asks me if I was listening to Charlie. Well, considering the radio was off, I guess the answer would be no, I wasn't. Evidently, there are a lot of people up in arms because the President of the United States did a little rubbing on the shoulders of the Chancellor or Germany. Yes.... and? I'll give you a big WHO CARES! This is what people are all upset about? I did a Google search on "Bush's back rub", just out of curiosity. I got over 18,000 hits. Good grief! I turned on the radio in time to catch a caller who said this might be considered "sexual harassment". You've got to be kidding! Evidently, there are a lot of people who don't know much about "down home" Texans. If you get away from the big cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, you get real people, unlike those who think you MUST dress up to go shopping in 110 degree weather. These are the real people, they hug, they laugh, they put their hand on your shoulder while talking to you. It doesn't matter if you are a minimum wage earner from Cut and Shoot, a prison guard in Huntsville, or the President of the United States. My advice: Get over it fer petes sake! Priorities people.... priorities!