County Board Meeting - 18 July
Email from Sam:
The last several meetings there have been rumblings of a County-wide sales tax increase and now its for real. County Board Supervisor Todd Schmitz has written a resolution for the July 18th meeting to increase the Fond du Lac County sales tax effective 1-1-07 in order to keep Rolling Meadows Nursing Home open. Bad idea.
While I expect the County Board to reject this proposal, should any of you want to speak out against it during the public input portion of the meeting…feel free. Pass this on. Should anyone want to speak on this issue, seek me out on the floor and I will get you to the appropriate person so you have an opportunity.
The County Board will meet on July 18th at 7pm in the City-County Government Center's legislative chamber (160 S Macy St, FDL). If there is a public outcry on this tax increase, there would be less chance it might come up anytime soon. I will be voting against the tax increase.
Thank you,
Sam Meyer
Fond du Lac County Board Supervisor, District 34
(If you live in Fond du Lac County, I would encourage you to attend and voice your opinion. Smaller government CAN start at the local level.)
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