Monday, August 14, 2006

Cease Fire

So, there's been a "cease fire" for a few hours now. You'll excuse me if I don't buy into this. Yes, I'd love to see peace in the Middle East, but as long as there are organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas set on the destruction of Israel, there won't ever be peace. I'll admit that neither side is blameless in the history of this whole conflict, but when Israel extends an "olive branch", they always seem to get their hand bit. I can't blame Israel for their reaction to the kidnapping of their soldiers. Many say it was an over-reaction, I don't. There's only so much a person can take, then they're going to ACT. To put it in simplistic terms... there's a bully on the playground who is ALWAYS picking on you, no matter what you do. You try to avoid him, you'll even give him your lunch money in hopes the harassment will stop. It doesn't! Enough is enough! You can't take it any more. You gather up your courage and kick him straight in the balls, when he goes down, you stomp the crap out of him. Over reaction? Maybe, but your pent up emotions are taking over. If you stop, don't finish the job, then he's going think you're weak, so the bullying starts all over again, a little at a time. I think this is going to happen more and more often in the coming years in Israel. It won't always be Hezbollah or Hamas. It'll be some other splinter group who will take potshots, but it will happen. What effect does this "cease fire" have on the Hamas? Does it have any effect at all? Are the Palestinian Authority going to "disband" Hamas? Odds are, no. I haven't read the entire UN resolution, but since I haven't heard anything on the news referring to it, I can only assume that the kidnapping of the first Israeli soldier is ok with the UN. Just what happened to that young man anyway?