Monday, August 14, 2006

The Joy of Dentists

I just spent a couple of hours at the dentist. Let's face it, no one likes going to the dentist. I'm a wuss, and even for a cleaning, I'm always more than reluctant. Going to the dentist is just as bad as going to your regular doctor, they always seems to find something wrong, especially as you get older. Today was no different. A simple cleaning, isn't so simple anymore. All kinds of fancy dodads, spitting and squealing in your mouth. I did however get to play with one of those "toys". I got to hold the sucking thingy... you know, that thingamajig that sucks water and crap while they're poking, prodding and scraping. It turns out I have cracked enamel, on both sides of one of my back teeth. If I don't get it fixed now, it'll get worse, and cost much more.... naturally. Gee, only $1000 now, as opposed to maybe $2000 later. Big choice! What do you do if you just don't happen to have a grand laying around for things like this? Ok, if I pay them on the day of the "service", I get a whopping 5% discount. So, instead of $1000, it'll be $950. Wooo Hooo! Add another problem....I grind my teeth at night. So, of course, I'm wearing down the enamel on the back of my two front teeth because of an overbite. Oh yeah! They want to do some fancy crown business to cover them. YEESH! I just bet they do! I guess the dentist needs a new boat, and my husband gets to pay for it!