Monday, June 12, 2006

Jack Murtha

This is a letter that was sent to the editor, Bruce Wissinger, of the Triune Democrat:
Watching a trend rise out of local Congressman Murtha of incoherency, being out of step with his Base and attacking the Military as he swears he supports them. One must ask? what is up with Jack Murtha? Far too many years in the house has taken toll on his judgment. Could it be an onset of dementia, or even Alzheimer's, one must see a drastic difference in his attitude towards the people who sent him there.. Can it be he is just too old? Revitalizing our area with enthusiasm and younger blood will give an approach to the Congressional district that comes with Term Limits. New Ideas that shall bring in more Jobs, a stronger economy and lower overall taxes which burden us tremendously. We need someone who can see through the eyes of a parent, a Mother, and a sister of them who are being hurt by an out of touch Representative in DC. The signs of old age and uselessness is the on-slot of raising ones voice up to be heard, not to the point of actually saying anything proper but to say hey, listen to me. Yes, John Murtha is begging for attention as he sees himself fading away. Being kind by putting the old Stud out to pasture where he can live out his final days. Yes we must just be kind. Ed McGarvey, Hooversville, Pa
Yep, seems to me, Ed's on to something! :) Now, let's see if they actually print it in the paper.