Monday, June 12, 2006

Van Hollen's "extremist" comment?

Ok, so Kathleen Falk (Dem candidate for A.G.) is calling a comment that JB Van Hollen (Rep candidate for A.G.) made extremist. The comment in question? Well, according to Falk, "“JB Van Hollen called abortion ‘'homicide'".” Yes? And the problem here? She goes on to state, "When it comes to a woman'’s right to choose, JB Van Hollen and Paul Bucher want to turn Wisconsin into South Dakota. Not on my watch. Not when I'm Attorney General." God forbid that woman should become A. G. I don't think I'm completely alone in my opinion, abortion IS homicide. All these people talking about a "woman's choice". Give me a break! That CHOICE is made 9 months before a child is born, when she chose to have sex without taking precautions. Using abortion as birth control and claiming it's a "woman's right to choose" has become the left's mantra, claiming it's a right guaranteed by the Constitution. And I repeat, NO, IT IS NOT! "The people of Wisconsin should expect more from their Attorney General,"” said Collins (Falk Communications Director Adam Collins). "“JB Van Hollen'’s flip-flop speaks to his lack of credibility and integrity as a candidate for Wisconsin'’s top cop." If there's one thing that JB Van Hollen and Paul Bucher have, it's integrity! I'm sorry to say, the current A. G. seems to lacking in this department, and as it appears, does her primary opponent. (See previous post on the 14th Amendment)