Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pres in Iraq

"President Bush, seeking to bolster support for Iraq's burgeoning goverment and U.S. war policy at home, made a surprise visit to Iraq on Tuesday to meet newly named Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and discuss the next steps in the troubled 3-year-old war."
A troubled war, eh? It's always been my opinion that's what a war is.... trouble.
"It was a dramatic move by Bush, traveling to violence-rattled Baghdad less than a week after the death of terror chief Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a bombing attack. The president was expected to be in Baghdad a little more than five hours."
A dramatic move. Uh oh, drama sets in. Gee, and here I've all along believed that President Bush had more cajones than say... John Kerry? Ya just gotta love the way the Washington Post presents a story. I'm no expect, but reading through it, I'd say that a first year journalism student had done the writing. Well, what do I know. There it is, typos and all. :)