Saturday, June 17, 2006

Trip South - Day 2

It is a fact! If you miss your exit, you will have to drive at least 5 to 8 miles to find the next exit so you can turn around and drive those same 5 to 8 miles back to the exit you wanted to take to start with. That's what I had to do this morning. Saturday is a boring day for radio, and no, I don't have XM or whatever the satellite thingy is. I still have dial up at home, do you really think I'd have something so new fangled? So, I decided to ask for directions to the nearest book store before leaving the motel this morning to pick up a couple of audio books. The directions were just fine, they even gave me a map showing which exit to take. No problem. Wrong! Naturally, this delayed my departure from Springfield, IL by almost an hour and a half. No biggie, I'm not in that big of a hurry anyway. So, I finally make it to the Barnes & Noble's, which was quite busy for a Saturday morning. Do people really do that kind of thing? Go out and about before noon? What a novel idea. :) I'm not a morning person, so this is a new thing for me. So, I choose my audio books, and go to check out. The young fellow was quite friendly until he saw what I was buying. "“Godless"” and "“How to Talk to a Liberal"”, which was on sale. Once he saw those, I couldn't even get him to crack a smile. I wonder, do you think he was a liberal? (Since it's difficult to read while driving, and boredom can set in, I was able to laugh through the majority of the afternoon listening to Ann.) I finally make it out of Springfield and on my merry way. One thing I noticed was the price of gas. The farther south I drive, the cheaper the prices. When did we decide that $2.64 was a great price for a gallon of gas? None the less, I was happy when I paid my bill and it was less than $25. Every trip I make to or from Texas, has a required stop in Sullivan, MO. The reason for this, cigarettes and Sonic. The price of smokes is almost half of what it is in WI, and that's the first Sonic I'm able to get to from I-44. Yes, I know, I need to quite smoking. I will! We're all going to die someday! :) I also had to pick up a few cartons to send to Iraq. Seems they have a preference for American cigarettes over there. Gee, wonder why! Perhaps cuz American made is always the best? I hear it's not raining in Wisconsin. Well, in Joplin, Missouri, it's pouring. So much so, that the cable went out for a while. There's a flood warning, and a thunder storm watch and I'm snug in my room on the 4th floor of the Holiday Inn, with the tv going in and out, but I don't care. I'm dry, and not dealing with loony tunes on the road.