Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gimmee Money!

I'm sure everyone receives numerous requests for money from all kinds of organizations. My favorite are the ones I've never heard of, never sent a single dollar, but yet seem to have me on the top of their mailing list. I'm a very generous person, as my husband can attest to, since it's his money I'm giving away, but for cryin' out loud, when will it stop? You have to give these organizations credit, they do their best to get your attention. I especially love the ones who send you a few cents, or even a dollar, like this is going to guilt you into returning their “gift”with a substantial gift of your own. It doesn't work with me. I have two grandchildren - their saving accounts have increases a little each time I get such a gift. Then we have the political “gimmee's”. Obviously, most of what I get are from Republican organizations. BUT, every once in a while, someone, somewhere slips. I got a nice “signed” picture from the Kerry/Edwards people. I shredded it, and mailed it back in their prepaid envelope, plus some extra shreddings, with a polite note to “please remove me from your mailing list”. Needless to say, they did. I think I'm now on the Sierra Club's ...ummm.. you know, THAT list. I got a nice letter asking me to help them defeat some legislation or other, with the required “Bush bashing” inserted. I had an extra bumper sticker laying around, “Charter Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”. I sent that instead of money. I haven't heard from them since. I wonder why? Oddly enough, the ones that annoy me the most are from the Republicans. I don't need some useless “certificate of appreciation”. I have enough little plastic cards that actually accomplish something (like BUY things), I don't need anymore pins of any sort and I seldom wear them anyway. They poke holes in your clothes! This is how they waste my money - with trinkets. SHEESH! I have to give the Democrats and libs credit... at least they get the message. But no matter how many times I have written to the RNC, they just aren't listening. Even with phone calls, they're asking for me for money and I tell them I'm keeping my money local and to stop sending me crap, but they aren't paying attention to me. Sigh.... They don't listen when I tell them I'll send them money when they start doing what we sent them to Washington to do, so why would they listen to me about the nonsense they send me.