Sunday, June 18, 2006

We're too dumb?

Of course, this common sense had to come from the people. The only way to limit government growth is to take the responsibility of growing government out of politicians' hands. Politicians should be allowed to increase government spending only by a small amount, that amount a function of population growth and inflation. Beyond that, it should be up to citizens to decide. That little piece of wisdom comes from a column by Paul Jacob titled Freedom's Next Move. I could swear he was talking about the TPA (TABOR), or the lack of TPA in Wisconsin. Making politicians accountable for their out of control spending. What a novel concept! The decision about what to spend YOUR money on, should never be left to any politicians. But since we, the unwashed masses, are too stupid to know where our money would be best spent, they make sure we do not have that option. Seven states have this issue on the ballot, so why aren't the citizens of Wisconsin able to at least vote on this? I guess the folks in Madison don't think we're smart enough to make such an important decision.