Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Norway's Dilemma

Since Muslims are taking over Europe, why shouldn't they take over the national calendar too? Muslims want national holiday Muslim politicians in Norway are lobbying for establishment of a new national holiday to celebrate the end of a month of fasting. They think the holiday should be recognized along the same lines as Christmas. So what's stopping them from having their own celebration?
"The best would be to get Eid-al-Fitr (most commonly called "id" in Norway) on the calendar as a public free day for everyone," Yousef Gilani, a city politician in Drammen, told newspaper VG. Eid-al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Fast of Ramadan, was celebrated on October 24 this year.
Will it be celebrated with burning cars and bombing buildings? After the family feast of course. Sorry, that was so tacky of me.
"All groups will benefit when Muslims are free on their important holidays," said ombud Beate Gangas. "It's a win-win situation. Some religious groups can work during the Christmas holidays, for example, and get another day off in return." She thinks all employers should be open to such a system. At present, nine of Norway's 12 national holidays are linked to Christian traditions.
So, schedule a day off in advance. Christians get Christmas Day off, Jews get Chanukah, Muslims get the end of Ramadan. What's the problem? Must they hijack every country?