Monday, October 23, 2006

This is Getting Way Out of Hand!

Mother Escapes Jail Term
A single mother who falsely claimed raiders tied her up and started a fire in which her four-month-old son died walked free from court. Danielle Wails, 22, received three years probation, after admitting killing her son. She told police she was tied up by intruders who set her flat ablaze last year. Following the fire on August 28th, police launched a manhunt for the two men who she falsely claimed had attacked her in the two-bedroomed terrace house and then tied her up with telephone cord. She told detectives she had been knocked unconscious and when she awoke, the lounge, where her son was, was alight. She said she had used her tongue to dial 999 and shouted through the letterbox to neighbours, begging them to try and save Alexander. But her story unravelled and she was charged with little Alexander Gallon's murder. Wails, who had split from the baby's father Robert Gallon after a series of rows, was living in accommodation provided by a charity which helps single mothers. Consultant psychiatrist Adrian East told the court he was satisfied Wails was suffering from postnatal depression and had been diagnosed with the symptoms in the months before the killing.
I'm not buying it!