Sunday, June 18, 2006

Cindy Sheehan, please go away!

I don't know a single person who is PRO-war. As a matter of fact, anyone with an ounce of decency is anti-war. However, that doesn't mean that when there's a war to fight, we should all "cut and run". The idea of innocent people dying does not make anyone happy. Young men and women join the armed forces to protect those who can't protect themselves. If they think there's never a possibility that some day they might be called on to fight and die, then they made the wrong career choice. Joining any branch of the military just to get a college degree tells me that the kid isn't smart enough to do either. Along comes Cindy Sheehan. Her son died in Iraq fighting to help people in another country gain the same sort of freedoms we enjoy here. He wasn't drafted. He volunteered. Casey did his tour and could have come home, yet this brave young man chose to return and help his comrades in arms finish the mission. He died saving others. His death is a loss that no parent should have to suffer, but many have through the ages, and they deal with that grief with dignity. Not Sheehan! She's out there spouting manure to anyone who will listen. The fact that she's going to foreign countries (and yes, Canada is a foreign country) encouraging deserters tells me that she is anti-American. If someone wants to gripe about me calling her that, go ahead. Yes, she lost her son, as have other mothers. Does this allow her to "give aid and comfort to the enemy"? Not in my opinion. But that's the great thing about this country, we are all allowed to have an opinion, and to express it freely. Wouldn't it be great to share that with people who haven't had that same freedom who haven't had it in a long, long time, or even those who have never known what it was like not to fear?