Citizens Against Government Waste
From CAGW:
H.R. 4890 would give the President the authority to strike specific earmarks from bills passed by Congress, providing him with a valuable tool to rein in wasteful spending and eliminate special-interest tax breaks. As you may recall, the Supreme Court ruled the most recent Line-Item Veto law unconstitutional in 1998. That law, which President Bill Clinton used to veto 82 items, saving $2 billion over five years, required a two-thirds vote of Congress to reinstate items vetoed by the President. By contrast, H.R. 4890 would require Congress to accept or reject the PresidentÂs proposed rescissions with a simple majority vote and then send a final bill back to the PresidentÂs desk for signature. By requiring congressional approval of the PresidentÂs proposed rescissions, H.R. 4890 meets constitutionality standards. Restoring the PresidentÂs Line-Item Veto authority will help stop Congress from running up the deficit by wasting our tax dollars on self-serving ÂBridges to Nowhere and indoor tropical rainforests. Enacting H.R. 4890 is an important first step toward returning fiscal discipline to Washington.The line item veto makes more sense than just about anything else the Congress can do to cut their own out of control spending. But would they really want the President to cut their "happy fund"? I call it that because spending OUR money seems to make them very happy. We haven't really held our representatives accountable, state or national. I think it's time we took back control from the fatcats in D.C. It is, after all, OUR MONEY!
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