Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cut and Run

‚“Iraq is sapping our strength, sapping our resources.‚” No, actually, it's people like Russ Feingold (speaking on the Senate floor) who are sapping our strength. The ‚“cut and run‚” crowd are doing their best to try to sound like they care so much about the troops in Iraq. However, all I hear are chickens clucking. Cowardice was never a trait anyone would even have associated with Americans, but that's sure changing. If it had been former President Clinton had been the one to take us into Iraq, the majority of Democrats would have been in the ‚“cheering section‚”. But since it was President Bush is the one at the helm, it's a ‚“failure‚”. Failure? Free elections? New schools? New clinics? Who provided these things for the Iraqi people? It wasn't Clinton. He's the one who stuck his head in the sand, let Osama Bin Laden run free to execute 9/11. He didn't deal with Saddam Hussein even though that lunatic was murdering his own people. The list goes on and on of what Clinton did NOT do when he could have. Instead, he sent troops to fight against those who were trying to stop the genocide of the extremists Muslims in Kosovo. I've been waiting to hear what Feingold had to say about the WMD's found in Iraq before commenting on it, but have yet to come across a word from him. Maybe I missed it, but maybe not. Maybe he's silent on this topic. Heaven forbid the President should be vindicated. True, it isn't the cache that was expected, but considering how large Iraq is, and the time that Hussein had to send them out of the country, I'm not surprised they haven't found them. And to me, it doesn't really matter if they do or not. That was not the ONLY reason we went in there to begin with. The left really needs to start thinking actually saving lives, instead of obsessing on saving on a bloomin' mosquito. But then, they don't give a flip about unborn children, why should they care about some people on the other side of the world? How many lives have been saved from the Hussein's (Uday, Qusay, Saddam) insane policies by our actions. Murderers like Tooky Williams will be hailed as a hero to the left, but not George W. Bush who actually HAS done something to contribute to the society as a whole. Just because the Iraqi's form of democracy doesn't look like ours, does not mean it's not just as important to them. Great Britain's form of democracy isn't the same as ours, yet they are just as free (except for anyone who wants to own a gun to protect themselves, but that's another subject). Then, there's Australia and Israel. They, too, are democracies. To leave before the Iraqi's have grown strong enough to keep themselves safe from the loony tunes, is a MAJOR mistake. Is it really wise to show such cowardice to the terrorists, North Korea, and Iran?