Friday, July 21, 2006

Dallas column

I like Mark Davis! Mark is a talk show host on WBAP, who also carries Rush, Sean and Mark Levin. That tells you it's the WTMJ and WISN of Dallas. His column in the Dallas Morning News expresses a view on the current Israeli vs terrorists that hasn't been heard enough in the MSM.
America had been at war in Iraq for less than six months, not because Saddam Hussein had orchestrated 9/11, but because his regime's history of murderous misbehavior and his connections to al-Qaeda and other merchants of terror made the dots connect.
It seems that there are many, not only in the main stream media, but in the rest of the country and world, who need a new pencil for their "connect the dots" page.
I'm not suggesting that we need U.S. airstrikes on Tehran or Pyongyang – yet. But so far we're being played like a violin by two evil regimes we have warned about nuclear adventurism. Both have widely expanded their nuclear capabilities and then watched as we have done precisely nothing.
Why can't we bomb Tehran? (Oh yeah, it's the diplomacy thing again.) If we did, perhaps the "insurgents" would stop flowing into Iraq and killing innocent civilians, and the coalition troops. North Korea? Well, not yet.
Meanwhile, let's not have any hand-wringing over the current hostilities. It is always unfortunate when it comes to this, but sometimes war is the necessary cleansing agent that relieves an intolerable situation when nothing else has worked.
In other words, lefties... quit whining!