Sunday, July 09, 2006

Guess What!

I don't feel guilty! Evidently, I'm suppose to because I'm white, middle-upper class, am not in extreme debt, and I love my country. Why I'm suppose to feel guilty about all these tidbits is totally beyond me. Perhaps, those who promote the "guilt" syndrome feel guilty because they have had a great life in this country of freedoms, and feel the rest of us should as well. It's not working, at least in my case. Oh, perhaps I did feel some of that guilt back in the late 60's and early 70's. Maybe I even got a twinge now and then in the 80's. I got over it! Here are a few other things I don't feel guilty about: 1. Poverty. I've been poor, I've been "comfortable". I prefer comfortable. I've lived on welfare, well sort of. I got a grant and went to school, got off welfare, and have been quite happy ever since. My parents, who were quite "comfortable" did help me out, probably too much, but they made me stand on my own two feet, and grow up. I'm extremely grateful to them. 2. Slavery. I've never owned a slave. Never wanted to, unless you count the "cabana boy" fantasy, and that was way back when. My parents never had slaves, nor did their parents. It's an extremely ugly page in our history, but that's what it is.... history. No one in this country is pro-slavery, so give it a rest. 3. Driving a car. Now why anyone should think using gas is a reason for guilt, is totally beyond me. If horses were the mode of transportation, I'd be riding a horse, just like everyone else. If bicycles were the only way to get around, I'd be doing that. But, cars rule the roads, so I drive. 4. Belief in God. No one has explained this one to my satisfaction. I say "under God" when the Pledge of Allegiance is being said, proudly, with my hand on my heart. I have no problem professing my faith in God, or Jesus Christ as my savior. These are just a few of the things for which I feel no guilt. There are others, of course, like my "extreme" conservatism. I'm guessing I'm a right wing wacko because I believe in life, marriage and family. Also, I'm against excessive taxes, I don't think that the government can raise children as well as parents, I believe that sex education belongs in the home, not the brain washing that public schools insist upon, I'm for school choice, and I believe in the United States of America. I even tear up during the Star Spangled Banner. Yep, I'm a wacko. Go figure!