Friday, June 30, 2006

Castaway Cay

Castaway Cay

I was actually awake before we even docked this morning. Naturally, the second thing I did was smoke a cigarette out on the veranda. I was greeted by a pirate ship. Kind of cool actually.

Rule one: If small child needs to be up early, put said small child to bed at a reasonable hour, which is NOT 1:30 a.m.! What a grouch! But after much “discussion” we were finally able to get to the Character Breakfast almost on time.

This afternoon was worth all the hassles. We had a Stingray Adventure. :) They feel like big portabello mushrooms. My daughter was the only one of us that had the courage to feed them, but she says it's like a vaccuum cleaner. Personally, I don't know. Ok, so I'm a wuss! What can I say!

One thing I've noticed, I'm not seasick, but I sure do get landsick. We've doing the Weeble walk more on land now than on the ship. Odd! Trying to get packed is a lot harder this time than it was before we left. Wonder why? Can't be because we have more crap than we started out with, could it? :)

Tomorrow, dry land, and back to Dallas.