Monday, June 19, 2006


Here's a newsflash for ya Agape Press:
A conservative media watchdog has completed a study of the mainstream media's coverage of the war on terror -- and reveals finding an intense anti-military bias in recent weeks. Rich Noyes is director of research at the Media Research Center. His study found that in just three weeks, the networks devoted three-and-a-half hours to one-sided coverage of the misconduct allegations surrounding U.S. Marines in the Iraqi village of Haditha. He reports the news clips showed "people like John Murtha saying that he was already convinced that these guys were cold-blooded killers." But the Marines never had a chance to respond, says Noyes, until one of them began using his attorney to speak. "Their defense is that, while they don't dispute that innocent civilians were killed, their actions were all legitimate based on the situation they had at the time," the MRC spokesman points out. In contrast, Noyes says the networks have dedicated a mere 52 minutes of reporting on acts of military heroism since September 2001. "Giving almost no coverage to the top 20 heroes of the war on terror shows you that there's really a mindset in the media that they want to promote these stories of military misdeeds and accusations of wrongdoing," he says, "and they don't have much airtime set aside to tout the exceptional heroism of some of our troops." While Noyes says there is no question that the media must not hide bad news from the public, he adds they should balance the coverage with true stories of America's heroes. [Chad Groening]
Gee, big shocker there! The main stream media is biased! LMAO