Saturday, July 22, 2006

Senate Race

I have several reasons for being angry with the Republican party, national and state. The Wisconsin Senate race is only one in an increasing list. I send them money, they send me junk. Trinkets - no thank you, I have a drawer full. Plastic cards - totally useless since you can't buy anything at the store with them. Certificates for this and that. All sent to guilt me into sending more money so they can send me more useless garbage. And we can't even convince ONE person to run against Herbie, the Potted Plant? How are we going to come up with a willing candidate to run against Feingold in 2010, assuming it isn't President Russ (G-d forbid) by then. The only way we'll beat him (unless he falls off his ego and breaks something) is if the state party finds some cajones! Steel, BIG!