Saturday, July 22, 2006

Neil Cavuto

This morning I was watching Neil Cavuto on one of those money shows that Fox News has on Saturday mornings. I have no idea what the name is, but I'm sure it's in my brain files somewhere. I'm not big into money management, just ask my husband every time a credit card bill comes in, but I find those shows to be interesting on occasion. Today, it was a "special edition" concerning money and the current Middle East crisis. He does a "Common Sense" segment at the end of each show, and today was no different. He was talking about Hugo Chavez, and his bid for a seat on the UN Security Council. I find the UN a totally useless (yet dangerous for those who love liberty) body, except for some of their humanitarian ventures, which of course, the US mostly pays for; exclude the "Oil for Food" scandal.
Major South American economic powers threw their support Friday behind anti-U.S. crusader Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in his fight against Washington for a U.N. Security Council seat.
The idea of Chavez, el Presidente de Venezuela, or his representative, on the Security Council, makes my skin crawl. The man who praises dictators, yet condemns the United States, and calls President Bush a "terrorist" has no business making any decisions on the world stage, especially when his idea of "freedom" is to silence the press.