A Message from the Ghost of General Patton....

Seen on a bumper sticker: If Democrats don't abort you, they'll tax you to death!
Nielsen Media Research found that, on average, there are 2.7 TV sets in a typical home and only 2.5 people. Laurie Shaw says, between her and her husband, they own three TV’s – one downstairs and two upstairs. “When we blended in holy matrimony we ended up with too many TV’s, and as wedding present we bought our third TV. We haven’t really figured out what to do with all of our TV’s.” Laurie hopes to scale back on the sets someday, but in the meantime, the average American, like Laurie has more TV’s than they know what to do with. Steven Isaac with Plugged-In Magazine says we’re a culture that demands entertainment. “We’re a culture that hates to be bored and we’re teaching our kids that they shouldn’t ever have to be bored.” Whether it’s on a flat screen or a widescreen, Melissa Caldwell with the Parents Television Council says too much TV has negative effects on our kids. “Kids who spend a lot of time watching TV are more likely to have obesity problems, they are more likely to have problems in school, short attention spans and the rest.” Isaac says turn off your TV for a moment and think. “I think that families should try their best to get a hold of this thing and, if that means reducing the number of TV’s in their house so that they have more people than TV’s, that’s a good place to start.” Between the extra TV’s, the average American watches four and half hours of television a day.Well, there's 2 humans, 2 cats, and only 1 television. However, that 4 1/2 hours business....well, it's background noise for the majority of the day, along with the radio. :)
President Carter (4) also stopped B-1 bomber production, (5) gave away our strategically located Panama Canal and (6) made human rights the central focus of his foreign policy. That led Carter, a Democrat, (7) to make a monumental miscalculation and withdraw U.S. support for our long-standing Mideast military ally, the Shah of Iran. (8) Carter simply didn't like the Shah's alleged mistreatment of imprisoned Soviet spies. (...) Carter (10) thought Ayatollah Khomeini, a Muslim exile in Paris, would make a fairer Iranian leader than the Shah because he was a religious man. (11) With U.S. support withdrawn, the Shah was overthrown, and (12) the ayatollah returned and promptly proclaimed Iran an Islamic nation. (13) Executions followed. Palestinian hit men were hired to secretly eliminate the opposition so the religious mullahs couldn't be blamed. (...) In November 1979, Iranians, including (18) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, their current puppet president who was elected in an unfree, rigged election in which opponents were intimidated into not running, (19) stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 U.S. personnel hostage for 444 days. (...) Democrats waffled (50) on Reagan's request for support of Contras who were fighting to stay alive and take Nicaragua back from Daniel Ortega's communist Sandinistas. Each month, the Soviets poured $50 million worth of Russian tanks, anti-aircraft weapons, Hind attack helicopters and munitions into that central American country. (...) Democratic politicians (53) were proved wrong on virtually every vital Reagan policy. (54) His tax cuts set off a huge seven-year economic boom that created 20 million new jobs. (55) Interest rates tumbled from 21% to 7 1/2%. (56) Inflation nose-dived from 12% to 3%. And (57) oil prices collapsed when — contrary to warnings from Democrats — he removed price controls on natural gas. (...) Bin Laden (70) tried to buy weapons-grade uranium to develop a weapon that would kill on a mass basis — like Hiroshima. (71) In November 1995, a car bomb exploded at a Saudi-U.S. joint facility in Riyadh, killing five Americans. June 1996. (72) Khobar Towers, which housed U.S. Air Force personnel in Saudi Arabia, was blown up by Saudi Hezbollahs with help from Iran and some al-Qaida involvement. Nineteen Americans were killed and 372 wounded. July-August 1996. (73) The U.S. received from senior level al-Qaida defectors intelligence on the creation, character, direction and intentions of al-Qaida. February 1998. (74) Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri issued a fatwa declaring "war on America" and making the murder of any American anywhere on earth the "individual duty" of every Muslim. (...) May 1999. (83) Detailed reports from several sources let the CIA know that bin Laden would be in Kandahar for five days. Everyone agreed it was the best chance to get bin Laden. But word came to stand down. It was believed Tenet and Clinton were again concerned about civilian collateral damage. A key project chief angrily said three opportunities were missed in 36 hours. October 2000, (84) the USS Cole was bombed, killing 17 U.S. sailors. No action was taken due to concerns expressed by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.Yep, an "interesting read".
The Muslim nutjobs at CAIR have always decried any criticism of Islam as "racist," "intolerant," "islamiphobic," or whatever their buzzword of the week is. They actively support every mosque that preaches the "death to America" mantra that is supported by the Q'uran. Don't believe that? Just go to any Mosque in America, listen to what they preach, and then cry, "Oh crap, they really do hate us!" See what CAIR has to say about it. Just for S&G's, here's a few tidbits from CAIR's own website (my own comments are thrown in because I simply feel like commenting, hell, it's my blog): "CAIR Good News Alert: VA Muslim Student Allowed Islamic Attire in Gym Class" -Yep; "special" rights for Muslims. Sounds about right in line with their agenda. "CIVIL LIBERTIES: Oppose the US-UK Extradition Treaty" -Sure wouldn't want criminals to be prosecuted . "The Quran is the record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. It was memorized by Muhammad and then dictated to his companions. The text of the Quran was cross-checked during the life of the Prophet. The 114 chapters of the Quran have remained unchanged through the centuries." -So, there should be no disputing the violence and hate that it preaches as "religion?" Thanks; you've made normal folks' arguments easier. "The poll, sponsored by the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and conducted by an independent research firm, was designed to understand what Americans think about Muslims: * When asked what comes to mind when they hear "Muslim," 32 percent of respondents made negative comments. Only two percent had a positive response." -Well, that's from CAIR's own survey. I cannot imagine why only two percent had something positive to say about Muslims .perhaps they were Muslims? The point is this: CAIR supports one thing: Muslims. Muslims support one thing: The teachings of the Q'uran. The teachings of the Q'uran are out there for the the world to see: Commit violence to further Islam, and be sure to use deceit too! What a load of crap. These people should all be deported to France, where they will be embraced, and will have countless thousands surrender to them. Screw CAIR.Agreed!
French anti-terrorism authorities Friday opened an inquiry into death threats against a philosophy teacher who has been forced into hiding over a newspaper column attacking Islam, legal officials said. Robert Redeker, 52, has been given round-the-clock police protection, changing addresses every two days, since the article appeared in the conservative French newspaper Le Figaro earlier this month. Written in reaction to the Muslim fury unleashed by Pope Benedict XVI's references to Islam, the piece describes the Koran as a "book of extraordinary violence" and Islam as "a religion which ... exalts violence and hate". Under the heading "In the face of Islamist intimidation, what must the free world do?", Redeker claimed that "Islam is trying to make Europe yield to its vision of mankind" using "violence and intimidation". It describes the Prophet Mohammed, as depicted in the Koran, as a "master of hate", "a merciless war-leader, a pillager, a massacrer of Jews and a polygamist". Since then Redeker says he has received e-mail threats targeting himself and his wife and three children, and that his photograph and address were available on several Islamist Internet sites. "There is a very clear map of how to get to my home, with the words: 'This pig must have his head cut off'," he said. (...) "We are in a democracy, everyone has the right to express his views freely -- of course while respecting others. " But Redeker -- interviewed on French radio from a safe house -- accused the authorities of leaving him "alone and abandoned", saying the education ministry had not offered him any help. On Thursday Education Minister Gilles de Robien expressed "solidarity" with the teacher, but also warned that "a state employee must show prudence and moderation in all circumstances." (...) Several French rights groups, while condemning the intimidation, accused Redeker -- a published philosopher known for his strong views on Islam -- of irresponsible "provocation". The MRAP anti-racism group said his article was badly timed and likely to fuel French fears of a Muslim "enemy within", without distinction between ordinary citizens and violent extremists. Likewise, the Paris-based League of Human Rights said it revealed Redeker's "hatred of Islam and Muslims" -- though it said no one should be intimidated for their ideas, "however sickening". Redeker's article has been denounced on Al-Jazeera television by the influential Qatari Muslim scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and the September 19 issue of Le Figaro was banned in Egypt and Tunisia. (...) The press freedoms watchdog Reporters Without Borders issued a strong-worded statement against what it called "ideological censorship"."It is unacceptable that, more and more, threats and censorship are taking the place of controversy and debate," it warned. Speaking on Europe 1, Redeker said his detractors had "already won a victory of sorts." "I cannot do my job. I have no freedom of movement. I am in hiding. Already they have succeeded in punishing me ... as if I was guilty of holding the wrong opinions."Nice people, eh. Freedom of speech evidently isn't one of those things the Islamofascists values much.
In a portion of the same video, posted on the internet on Friday and released by the Virginia-based IntelCenter, al-Zawahiri addresses Bush: "Why don't you tell them how many million citizens of America and its allies you intend to kill in search of the imaginary victory and in breathless pursuit of the mirage towards which you are driving your people's sons in order increase your profits?"How many of them are we going to squash is a better question!
"Bush you are a lying failure and a charlatan. It has been three and a half years [since the arrests] ... What happened to us? We have gained more strength and we are more insistent on martyrdom," he said.He sounds desperate, in my opinion.
"Bush, O failure and liar, why don't you be courageous for once and confront your people and tell them the truth about your losses in Iraq and Afghanistan."At least OUR leader doesn't have to recruit young men to fly planes filled with innocent men, women and children, into buildings, killing themselves along with the innocents.
Al-Zawahiri also called Pope Benedict a "charlatan" because of his remarks on Islam. "This charlatan accused Islam of being incompatible with rationality while forgetting that his own Christianity is unacceptable to a sensible mind."Oh yeah, blowing people up is REAL sensible - the actions of a rational, and peaceful people. Stop the ACLU has a great column, with more translations, and one comment that echoes the same thing I told my husband this afternoon when they showed the tape on the idjit box....that Zawahiri is getting his material from the Democrat playbook!
Akaka (D-HI) Baucus (D-MT) Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA) Chafee (R-RI) Clinton (D-NY) Conrad (D-ND) Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Dorgan (D-ND) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Feinstein (D-CA) Harkin (D-IA) Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Kohl (D-WI) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lincoln (D-AR) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Wyden (D-OR)Oooo... now there's a big surprise! Feingold and Kohl voted AGAINST this bill. What I do find even more annoying is Lincoln Chafee, RINO from hell. Can someone please explain to me WHY President Bush and the RNC backed this bozo?
Cardiology: Intravascular stent placement Milwaukee: $2,176 Detroit: $510 Cincinnati: $551 Orthopedics: Arthroscopic knee surgery Milwaukee: $962 St. Louis: $629 Cleveland: $653 Radiology: MRI Milwaukee: $945 Cleveland: $531 Kansas City: $531 Gastroenterology: Colonoscopy Milwaukee: $640 St. Louis: $389 Cincinnati: $392I don't know much about how they price medical care, I just know it's a lot higher than it use to be, no matter where you live. I'm praying I never have to go to Milwaukee for any kind of treatment. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any explanation other than the lack of competition in Milwaukee. I wonder if they charge more because their malpractice insurance is a lot higher? The article didn't mention it, but that seems to be a problem everywhere. Just curious.
Am I the only one who winces when election years come and the political advertisements air on television? It seems the advertisements get worse each time. I listen and watch each one once. When I notice a repeat, I hit the remote. Sometimes, they appear to be endless. There is far too much money spent in trying to persuade the voters. In this letter, I'll stick with the race for governor. It seems that both major party candidates for governor have accepted money from questionable sources. Yet they try to label the other guy a crook. In general, both may be nice guys, at heart. However, when half-truths, lies and distortion are used in their behalf, as they campaign for office, what can the public expect when they are in office? I believe that they would take money from the devil if it would get them into office. In the manner they have acted, they have. When those questionable sources give money, is anything expected back? In the past few years, there have been leaders from both major political parties serving time because of abuse of power. Instead of serving the public, it has become self-serve for some politicians and the parties. My question is: Why do we accept those negative political advertisements and those questionable sources giving to our public servants? Is not the will of the people stronger than the dens of iniquity in Madison? They promise reform, but leave loopholes in the law. After an election, we all have mud on us. Somehow, there doesn't seem to have a moral base. There should be a public outcry on these practices led by the media and clergy. George R. Wagner Fond du LacAs long as the ad projects the absolute truth, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little "negativity". However, when ads are out and out lies, and I KNOW they are lies, as should those who are producing them, I have a real problem. Should they be yanked? Well, with our 1st Amendment, I'd say no, they shouldn't, but there should be oversight on the part of the election board, or someone who deals with reality. Oh, wait a minute... that's not Wisconsin's election board. Reality doesn't come into play with any body with folks appointed by the Doyle administration.... never mind!
"The second message is for the criminal Benedict the 16th, the Vatican Pope. For this ignorant and stupid Pope, who has no one to attack besides Islam and the Prophet [Muhammad], may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him. He [the Pope] characterized Islam as a cruel religion, and characterized Muhammad, may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him, as a cruel man, spilling blood, who strove to kill. This hostile Pope refuses to apologize to Muslims; and, instead of apologizing he blames the Muslims for not understanding, thereby adding crime upon crime. This arrogant Pope sees the Muslims as too inferior that he should apologize to them. To this arrogant Pope - criminal and arrogant - this message is from Allah the Elevated and the Exalted, as it was said: 'Think not that Allah is unaware of what the wicked do. He but gives them a respite until a day when eyes will stare (in terror).' [Sura14:42]" [Palestinian Authority TV, September 22, 2006]H/T: Jihad Watch
If you've ever stood up to a bully, you know how this works. Confrontation tends to increase the chances of violence in the short term but decreases its likelihood in the long term. Any hunter will tell you that the most dangerous moment is when you've cornered an animal, and any cop will tell you that standing up to muggers puts you in danger. American colonists were less safe for standing up to King George III, and the United States was certainly safer in the short term when we stood on the sidelines while Germany was conquering Europe. Heck, we would have been safer in the short run if we'd responded to Pearl Harbor by telling the Japanese they could have the Pacific to themselves.I'm starting to question the sanity of those who think we should run out of Iraq. Is being safe for the moment more important than being safe in the long run? I have grandchildren I want to live in a safe world. If I have to die to give them that world, then so be it!
Iraq is the excuse du jour for jihadists. But the important factor is that these are young men looking for an excuse. If you live your life calculating that it's a mistake to do anything that might prompt murderers and savages to act like murderers and savages, you've basically decided to live under their thumb and surrender your civilization in the process.I'm not going to surrender to murderous thugs! Are you?
A leading Muslim spokesman in Germany explained that he was all for free speech, as long as it didn't offend Muslims. The Germans' all-too-typical appeasement of terrorism no doubt makes them "safer" and "creates" fewer terrorists. And all it cost them - for now - is Mozart.Big mistake! It's never going to stop until we stand up to them, and even then, it's questionable. I don't care why we went into Iraq, it's what we do now that's important! Cutting and running is NOT an option!
The director of the American Civil Liberties Union's National Prisoner Project Wednesday accused U.S. governments past and present of honing torture tactics in American prisons before they were allegedly implemented in terrorist detention centers in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.I wonder when the ACLU is going to start worrying about the rights of American citizens.
"If you look at the iconic pictures from Abu Ghraib," Elizabeth Alexander told reporters at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, "you can match up these photos with the same abuses at American prisons, each one of them."Really? And just where do these so called abuses happen? In which American prisons?
She said the ACLU knows and has proven that the torture tactics have been used in American prisons, but lacks the photographic evidence found at Abu Ghraib because "you could never get a camera into an American prison."I'm a 21st century type person... no pictures, no proof. Or is she talking about something that happened BEFORE the War for Independence when the British were running things? Even if they had pictures, I'd have a hard time believing it since we've all seen the "photoshopped" pictures of al Reuters.
In a written statement submitted by University of Wisconsin Professor Alfred McCoy and read by Judge at Wednesday's event, McCoy asserted that the tactics used at Abu Ghraib were "not the sadism of a few creeps but instead [are] the two key trademarks of the CIA's psychological torture."And the problem here is....? When you're trying to get information from the bad guys, "psychological torture" isn't such a bad thing. I'd much rather have them feeling a bit bad about themselves than bury thousands of Americans.
James Carafano, a senior research fellow for national security at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said if there is evidence of abuse in American prisons, it should be given to authorities.The ACLU has no problem going to the courts, as we've seen many times in the past, so what's the problem with presenting hard evidence this time?
"People who know better tend to use the word torture because it kind of creates this visceral reaction and they know flat well, it doesn't actually meet the legal definition of torture," he said.Sorry, undies on the head, in my book is NOT torture.
The word Ramadan is derived from the word ramd "to burn". The entire month is spent fasting from dawn to dusk. The name came from the time before the Islamic calendar, when the month of Ramadan fell in the summer. Fasting during this month is often thought to figuratively burn away all sins. Muslims believe that the Qur'an started sent down to the earth during this month. Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad told his followers that the gates of Heaven would be open all the month and the gates of Hell would be closed. The first day of the next month is spent in great celebrations and rejoicings and is observed as the ‘Festival of Breaking Fast’ or `Eid ul-Fitr.I guess quiet contemplation isn't part of the program. This explains a great deal. I suppose I thought the Muslim "holy month of Ramadan" was, in a way, kind of like our Lent. I thought wrong! So, this means it's ok to murder even more innocent people because "the gates of hell" are closed? Oh, wait a minute...they do that anyway because it's also ok to murder innocents to become a martyr, or is that just to spread Islam. I'm getting so confused about this "religion of peace".
The new leader of al-Qaida in Iraq urged Muslims to make the holy month of Ramadan a "month of holy war," in an audiotape posted on Islamic Web site Thursday.Well, I guess that explains everything, doesn't it!
WASHINGTON - The American Civil Liberties Union today condemned the House of Representatives for adopting H.R. 2679, the “Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005″ (PERA). The bill would bar the recovery of attorneys’ fees to citizens who win lawsuits asserting their fundamental constitutional and civil rights in cases brought under the First Amendment. “The House has once again shown little regard for the Bill of Rights in voting to limit Americans’ ability to keep the government from intruding on religious expression,” said Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “The bill’s supporters claim they are protecting religious freedom, when in fact this bill will undermine it. We are deeply dismayed that the House adopted this proposal and urge the Senate to reject this bill and protect the Constitution.” The ability to recover attorneys’ fees in civil rights and constitutional cases, including Establishment Clause cases, is necessary to help protect the religious freedom of all Americans and to keep religion government-free. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment protects the religious liberty of all Americans. People who successfully prove the government has violated their constitutional rights would, under the bill, be required to pay their own legal fees — often totaling tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Few citizens can afford to do so. But more importantly, citizens should not be required to do so where the court finds that the government has violated their rights and the Constitution.(Commentary on the site)
Political bickering over which president _ Clinton or George W. Bush _ missed more opportunities to prevent the attacks has been escalating since Clinton gave a combative interview on "Fox News Sunday" in which he defended his efforts to kill Osama bin Laden.
"The idea of trying to cast blame on President Clinton is just wrong for many, many reasons, not the least of which is I don't think he deserves it," Giuliani said in Response to a question after an appearance with fellow Republican Charlie Crist, who is running for governor. "I don't think President Bush deserves it. The people who deserve blame for Sept. 11, I think we should remind ourselves, are the terrorists _ the Islamic fanatics _ who came here and killed us and want to come here again and do it."I can't even begin to express my lack of a respect for Clinton, but I'm sort of inclined to agree with Rudy on this one. We should be blaming the Islamofascists for their actions, instead of point fingers at who did, or did not, do enough to stop Bin Laden.
Giuliani also said a recently declassified report that said the Iraq war had become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists demonstrated the need to continue the fight there.I don't suppose the fact that the terrorists will use this report against us in any way they can will shut up anyone, will it?
"The jihadists very much want a victory in Iraq. They feel that if they could defeat us in Iraq they will have a great victory for terrorism," Giuliani said. "What that should do is organize us to say if they want a big victory in Iraq then we have to deprive them of that victory."We can NOT allow them a victory of any sort! It's time to start kicking some serious jihadist ass!
Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay entered Ramadan with traditional sweets, dates and honey -- but without a military chaplain to lead them in prayer during Islam's holy month.Shucky darn!
"It protects minors from exploitation from the abortion industry, it promotes strong family ties and it helps foster respect for state laws," said the bill's sponsor, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla. Bill supporters argued that it made no sense that minors who need parental permission to get an aspirin at school or go on field trips can get an abortion without telling their parents.I find it amazing that this would ever be in question. But of course, the House won't get squat done before the elections, so naturally, there will be no compromise with the Senate. Report: T.O. tried suicide
Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens attempted suicide by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after fire rescue personnel arrived.Ever wonder what goes on in someone's head who has much to live for when they try something like this? Falk gets Planned Parenthood endorsement
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, the political arm of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, announced today it was endorsing Falk, a Democrat, who is facing J.B. Van Hollen, a Republican and former U.S. attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin.There's a shocker for ya. The death machine supporting the party of death's candidate. If they endorsed J.B., I'd find another candidate! Pope in 'Crusader conspiracy' with Bush
Sheik Abu Saqer, leader of Gaza's Jihadia Salafiya Islamic outreach movement, which seeks to make secular Muslims more religious, called the pope a "puppet" for "that Crusader George Bush." The Gaza imam said the only Christian-Muslim dialogue that is acceptable is one in which "all religions agree to convert to Islam."Not gonna happen! I'm afraid their sort of "tolerance and peace" doesn't jibe with mine. Mourners of slain officer stream in to church
Johnson, 40, died in a shooting Thursday after making a traffic stop. He was shot in the head and face from the back seat of his patrol car. Juan Leonardo Quintero, a 32-year-old illegal immigrant, has been charged with capital murder in connection with Johnson's death.How many more officers and civilians will be buried before our "leaders" will actually DO SOMETHING!?
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said that the US military presence in Iraq keeps neighbors from invading his country. "The American presence has always prevented any kind of foreign invasion to Iraq," Talabani said. "That's one of the main reasons why we think that we need an American presence, even symbolical, in the country to prevent our neighbors attacking us," he said at a forum at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a Washington think thank. Talabani also said Baghdad could not "further tolerate" neighbors' interference in its internal affairs. "I think that our neighbors must understand that our patience is limited," he said, refusing to single out countries but adding "we mean all of them." Iraq shares borders with Syria, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Asked if there was concern over aggression from Turkey, Talabani said: "I don't think there is any danger for invasion by Turkey to Iraq." Iraq has "good relations" with the government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and could help Ankara in its conflict with the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), he said. "We could convince PKK to stop fighting in Turkey," the Iraqi leader said. Talabani also insisted that Iraq would not spiral down into civil war. "There would be no civil war. We have problems, we have some kind of extremists who are fighting against each other. They are not representing the whole society," he said. He also defended the US military presence in Iraq. "The immediate departure of coalition forces would only unleash the terrorists," Talabani said. "I cannot promise when or how the American presence will completely end in Iraq but I can promise that American soldiers do not fight in vain."
The city health department unveiled a proposal Tuesday that would bar cooks at any of the city's 24,600 food service establishments from using ingredients that contain the artery-clogging substance, commonly listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated oil.Out of curiosity, why add an ingredient to something that doesn't need it? Where did it come from?
"Labeling is one thing, but when they totally ban a product, it goes well beyond what we think is prudent and acceptable," said Chuck Hunt, executive vice president of the city's chapter of the New York State Restaurant Association.Can we outlaw stupidity? Oh, guess not, because then we'd HAVE to raise taxes to build so many new prisons to house the idiots!
Wendy's announced in August that it had switched to a new cooking oil that contains no trans fatty acids. Crisco now sells a shortening that contains zero trans fats. Frito-Lay removed trans fats from its Doritos and Cheetos. Kraft's took trans fats out of Oreos.So, what's the problem? If companies are acting on their own, is it really necessary for NYC to regulate what goes into foodstuffs?
"Artificial trans fats are very toxic, and they almost surely causes tens of thousands of premature deaths each year," he said. "The federal government should have done this long ago."Federal regulation, contrary to what the lefties believe, is NOT the answer to every thing. We are grownups... well, most of us are, and we control what we eat and drink. We even have control over what our children ingest, at least when they're with us. For example, if I want to sit down and eat that whole pound of white chocolate M&M's, that's my choice. There will be consequences that I will have to deal with, like a larger hind end, but then, that would be MY problem, and choice.
You do not have a media outlet like Fox, so you must work twice as hard to get the mainstream media to carry your message to ALL voters. Importantly, do not believe the mainstream media is for you and against Republicans. They're not. If you somehow think they'll help you win an election, you've already lost.No, the Dems have CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC! We do however have talk radio, but not everyone has the good sense to listen.
The target audience fervently believed Saddam Hussein WAS behind the 9/11 attacks and there WERE weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Just as they believe today that the second in command of Al Qaeda has been killed or captured at least a dozen times -- AND they've conveniently forgotten that Osama Bin Laden is not only still alive, but happily and calmly planning future attacks against our country.They really do think Americans are stupid! I don't know anyone who believed that Hussein was behind 9/11. NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON! No one has forgotten that Bin Laden is still running around cooking up new plans to destroy us either. Neither has the President, but he's not running for office in November, so why on earth do they want to campaign against him?
Stop playing by "Marquess of Queensberry" rules. Before you get punched, you punch. Hard. Whenever possible, you punch below the belt. And most importantly, even after they are down, you keep punching.Is this different from what they've been doing for the last few elections?
George Bush. Cocaine. Alcohol. The National Guard. Deserter. With 40 days to go before the election, there should have been 40 awful revelations about George Bush -- one each day, each worse than the one before it.I repeat, George Bush isn't running for office. So, why are they running against him, not to mention bringing up proven lies? After watching the Green/Doyle debate last Friday, I'm pretty sure the Doyle camp is actually listening to this fool. Go read the whole thing, it's a hoot, and scary. The mind of a lib is a dangerous place!
If you think I'm kidding, then you don't know Jack-Jack Cafferty that is. Cafferty shoots from the lip often enough as a CNN host, but on the August 30 edition of that network's "Situation Room," he outdid himself. After a story about how gas prices might get close to $2 by Thanksgiving, Cafferty grabbed his tinfoil hat and came up with his own conspiracy theory. "You know, if you were a real cynic, you could also wonder if the oil companies might not be pulling the price of gas down to help the Republicans get re-elected in the midterm elections a couple of months away," he ranted.That, right there, is a darn good reason why CNN is NOT the most "trusted name in news".
On the September 3 "In The Money," he repeated his crazy charge when he should have sounded retreat. "I mean the oil companies have a vested interest in seeing that the Republicans remain in control of the federal government," Cafferty again claimed. "They wouldn't pull prices down before the midterms now. Would they?"I don't watch CNN, unless the motel when I might be staying hasn't moved into the 21st century. I had to look this guy up. He's actually a "news anchor"?? No, of course CNN isn't biased! (snicker)
Because in the real world, oil companies don't control gas prices. They're set on world markets. They've dropped significantly from their recent high on August declining 42 cents between August 12 and September 12. If you'll recall, gas prices soared from $2.26 a gallon in February as Iran increased tensions about its nuclear aims. Then, on April 11, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared, "Iran has joined the nuclear countries of the world," according to the New York Times. Gas shot up about 25 cents in two weeks thanks to our nuclear reaction.I'm as dumb as a box of rocks, and even I know that the price of a barrel of oil is set by speculators, and supply and demand. Unless, of course, you live in Wisconsin, and the price of a gallon of gas is set by the state, by way of the minimum mark up and excessive tax.
If you're Jack Cafferty, that was too much to bear. The huge oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico made it worse. Cafferty likes high gas prices. "I hope gas prices go as high as they have to go to get the rest of these morons off the road in these big Hummers," he wished on the March 25 "In the Money." So now he's angry because gas prices aren't high enough. In that case, he must love OPEC. According to the September 12 New York Times, OPEC said it "would cut production if prices fell more." That looks like they're keeping prices high by controlling supply. By Cafferty's logic, that would either make Ahmadinejad a big Democratic supporter or talk of such conspiracies downright silly. If you want crazy conspiracies from your news broadcast, then tune to CNN. If you want something better, send Jack Cafferty some aluminum foil so he knows how you feel about his cooking up a kooky theory for gas prices.Thanks, but I prefer my news coming from the world of reality!
An announcement on national television, signed by Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin, said martial law had been declared across Thailand and the Constitution revoked. He ordered all troops to report to their duty stations and not leave without permission from their commanders. Sondhi, who is known to be close to Thailand's revered constitutional monarch, will serve as acting prime minister, army spokesman Col. Akarat Chitroj said. Sondhi, a well-regarded officer, is a Muslim in this Buddhist-dominated nation.Ok, so this Thai general says the army isn't going to get involved in a political conflict, yet declares martial law in a coup? I'm confused. And just because the man is a Muslim, doesn't mean anything either... at least, not at the moment. Thailand is a beautiful country. Yes, I actually lived there many MANY moons ago. I loved it!
Sen. Russ Feingold is right that President Bush and others should stop calling terrorists "Islamic fascists."Why?
"Call them whatever you want - monsters, butchers - but the use of the term 'Islamic fascist' puts the name of Islam. . . in an exceptionally negative light," the Wisconsin Democrat said last week.Sorry Russ, they've already done that themselves.
The term is "insulting and extremely unwise," Feingold added. It suggests that Islam condones villainous actions, such as the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.Ummm... haven't seen anything to the contrary.
Many Muslims feel slighted by the pairing of Islam with fascism - a dictatorial governmental system that suppresses criticism and opposition and emphasizes nationalism and racism. Fascism was not a religious movement.Then maybe they should stand up against the Islamofascists.
Denigrating Islam by linking it to fascism also is a strategic mistake by American leaders. Such terminology will not help the United States win friends among Muslims the world over. Instead, it will add to mistrust.Like it matters what we do? We can bow and scrape, and it won't make a bit of difference. THEY WANT US DEAD! Pay attention Feingold! You're Jewish...they want YOU dead even more!
To Bush and other administration officials, "Islamic fascists" may be an easy description to spin out in speeches. But it's neither accurate nor wise.Seems accurate to me. And no one has ever accused me of being "wise".
The word "terrorists" better describes hatred-fueled individuals who kill and maim innocents. They are not guided by a religion that propagates peace and brotherhood, or that respects human life.Peace? Uh huh...
Bush should stop using the inflammatory rhetoric and instead show Muslims that their religion is respected in America.Suck up! H/T: Charlie Sykes
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA mission controllers are tracking a mystery object hovering between the space shuttle Atlantis and Earth, and traveling at roughly the same speed as the orbiter, agency officials said Tuesday. “Right now they’re just tying to figure out exactly what it is, how far away it is,” NASA spokesperson Kimberly Harle told SPACE.com. “It’s pretty much assessing the whole situation.”
In Turkey, protesters said Benedict must make full amends before a planned November trip that would be his papacy's first visit to a Muslim nation. "Either apologize, or do not come," read a banner carried by a group of demonstrators from a religious workers' union. Iraq's parliament also rejected Benedict's explanation of his remarks, saying it was insufficiently clear.Here's a little history lesson:
Whatever undeniable sins Christians committed during their course, the Crusades were essentially a defensive action: a belated and insufficient attempt by Western Christians to turn back the tide of Islam that had engulfed the Eastern Church. "When accusing the West of imperialism," says the historian of jihad Paul Fregosi, "Muslims are obsessed with the Christian Crusades but have forgotten their own, much grander Jihad." The lands in dispute during each Crusade were the ancient lands of Christendom, where Christians had flourished for centuries before Muhammad's armies called them idolaters and enslaved and killed them. If Westerners had no right to invade these putative Muslim lands, then Muslims had no right to take them in the first place.No more apologies!
Yesterday, a week after her 40th birthday, she made her dream come true. At an estimated cost of $20 million (£11 million), Mrs Ansari became the first woman space tourist after blasting off in a Russian Soyuz rocket from Star City in Kazakhstan.She's 40? Now I'm really depressed!
Mrs Ansari was 16 when her family emigrated in 1984 as the Islamic Revolution in Iran was at its peak and girls faced a strictly limited future. Her parents said that they wanted her to be able to pursue her passion for science.As a woman, she would have been stuck in the background of life, an insignificant being used only to produce more of the "dominant" males". Ok, libs.... where's YOUR outrage when women are treated as property? (chirrup)
She arrived speaking only French and Farsi, became an American citizen and quickly immersed herself in the study of electronics, receiving degrees in electrical engineering and computer science at George Mason University in Virginia and George Washington University in Washington.This truly IS a land of opportunity! Hard work and perseverance have helped this lady achieve her dreams. My point here: If we continue to appease those who want us bowing to Mecca 5 times a day, or cut off our heads, there will be no more women like Anousheh Ansari. There will be no women in public office... local, state or national. There will be no women CEO's or even the opportunity to become one. Will women still be allowed an education of any kind? Wake up people, we are in a war for our very survival!
The pope has apologized for the outrage amongst Muslims sparked by his recent comments. But the episode proves once again that criticizing Islam is dangerous.Apologies mean nothing to these people.
... there's no reason to respond to every presumed insult. Consider an example from Denmark. Recently, a paper there published a number of rather tasteless Holocaust cartoons which had been shown in Tehran. The reaction of Copenhagen's rabbi was instructive when considered against the bloody response to the Muhammad cartoons -- outrage which ended up costing lives. When asked if he would call for protests, the rabbi merely said: "You know, I've seen worse." (emphases mine)Pretty much shows the difference between the Muslim and the CIVILIZED world.
A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment".Yep, tolerance and peace!
Yesterday he said: "The Muslims take their religion very seriously and non-Muslims must appreciate that and that must also understand that there may be serious consequences if you insult Islam and the prophet. "Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment." He added: "I am here have a peaceful demonstration. But there may be people in Italy or other parts of the world who would carry that out. "I think that warning needs to be understood by all people who want to insult Islam and want to insult the prophet of Islam." As well as placards attacking the Pope such as "Pope go to Hell", his followers outside the country's principal Roman Catholic church also waved slogans aimed at offending the sentiments of Christians such as "Jesus is the slave of Allah".Can we start profiling now? I demand an apology RIGHT NOW for that last "sentiment". This is an evil influence, and we're just bowing down, not wanting to "offend" them so they'll like us. Well, I tell ya, it doesn't matter WHAT we do, they want us dead. It doesn't take much at all to set off these pigs, so why not "set 'em off" real well? Oh, you bet I'm a "radical Christian extremist" Rosie... I want to see YOUR children safe from these animals!
"There was a young lady from Niger. Who smiled as she rode on a tiger. After the ride/.She was inside, And the smile was on the face of the tiger."There IS a choice whether or not to allow this cancer on civilization to proceed.
Labor leaders have established a close relationship with anti-American, anti-war activists as part of a move to the political left that began more than three decades ago, according to a recent report produced by a conservative think tank.Unions actually working AGAINST the same people they claim to represent - the AMERICAN worker. Some of those members paying their dues faithfully are also veterans who have fought for those same union leaders' right to be jackasses.
"Prominent self-styled 'peace activists' such as Cindy Sheehan, Leslie Cagan and Ramsey Clark rarely waste an opportunity to portray America as the number one obstacle to world peace," said Carl Horowitz, author of the report "Common Cause With America's Enemies: How Labor Unions Embraced Antiwar Extremism."Haven't heard from Mother Moonbat in a while, but I wouldn't guarantee she's completely off the radar. I've read through the 28 page report... very, very interesting.
"For more than 30 years, unions in this country have moved steadily leftward," the report stated, "forging strategic alliances with people who oppose America's rights of sovereignty and self-defense far more than they oppose war."Do you think that union members are even aware what their "leadership" are up to?
While acknowledging that "unions are no strangers to antiwar activism," Horowitz noted that "their embrace of anti-American antiwar activism is a fairly recent phenomenon." Union officials presently serve as "high-profile players" in the "shadowy" anti-war network who "sign petitions, make speeches and steer member dues toward anti-American extremists claiming to further the cause of humanity," he charged.I believe very strongly in making Wisconsin a "right to work" state, and this just reinforces my feeling. Union members should demand their dues be returned, since they are the ones actually funding the anti-American activities of their leadership.
"It's taken us 30 years, but we are here, and we're not going backwards, folks," Wohlforth reportedly said. "We took a step to get the message out that Labor is against the damn war, and that the connections between the attacks on working people and the war in Iraq have to be made."What connection could possibly be made to connect the two? Unless of course, it's union members who are actually producing products needed to support our troops in any situation. Oh yeah, let's get rid of all military, put an end to war, and put even more members out of work. Ok, bad example. But how many businesses are actually IN business because of the military?
"Over the decades, the Left has shown they can be counted on to work against American interests," Horowitz said in the document. "Gradually, unions likewise are inspiring such expectations. "Their members, and America at large," Horowitz argued, "deserve better."I agree. Those members are hard working Americans, trying to support their families. Why do they continually support these sort of activities?
WASHINGTON - A man crashed his vehicle into a security barricade at the U.S. Capitol on Monday, ran into the building and was arrested, forcing the complex to briefly be locked down, authorities said. Police shut down the complex as they investigated the incident, and to ensure that all people there were authorized to be there. The incident happened shortly before 8 a.m., EDT, witnesses said. The Capitol complex was reopened within the hour. Hill staffers were briefly instructed to remain in their offices while police searched to ensure there were no other interlopers. Construction workers and police said the man had driven through a barricade at the Capitol, where a major visitors' center is under construction. His vehicle also crashed into a water fountain on the plaza in the middle of the construction area. Witnesses said the man, wearing a blue ballcap, ran into the Capitol and was pursued by police. A construction supervisor said the man was apprehended in a construction area on the third floor of the building. In the summer of 1998, two Capitol Police officers were shot to death when a man with a history of mental illness opened fire in the building. The man was wounded and captured.